Brent Council Collaborates with Infosys to Provide its Residents with Free Digital Training Platform

Brent Council rolls out Infosys Springboard digital platform to support residents to gain critical digital and employability skills and enter sustainable employment. Read more here:
During the pandemic, the number of unemployment claimants in Brent aged 18 to 49 trebled, and today one in five adults in the borough do not possess the "essential digital skills" that could benefit them in life. Brent Council’s mission is to improve prospects for low-paid workers by improving adult education and skills, and connect economic opportunities for sustainable employment.
To help Brent Council deliver on its mission, Infosys will support residents to acquire new skills to increase their employability and re-enter the job market. The digital learning platform provides access to digital training in addition to core subject learning, helping users track their progress and navigate different courses.
Developed to support the reskilling and upskilling of the UK workforce, the cloud and mobile-based solution is designed to be accessible anytime, anywhere and on any device to ensure equitable access for all residents.
Infosys Springboard currently offers over 220 courses on technologies, emerging job roles, as well as professional and behavioral skills. From modules on sending effective emails to cyber-security and coding, the courses are designed to help users to build their digital skill set and boost their appeal to employers.
Brent Council is one of the first to onboard on to Infosys’ Springboard program, which in addition to providing universal access to digital training and skills building, aims to empower digitally engaged communities by providing access to devices coupled with fundamental IT training.