Infosys Cobalt Publishing Cloud Powered By Topaz

For advertisers and ad tech companies, the lack of third-party cookies means they will have to rely on other methods of tracking and targeting users, such as first-party data, and contextual targeting. For publishers, it may reduce their ability to monetize their websites through targeted advertising. As a result, publishers and developers need privacy-preserving alternatives for their key business needs, including serving relevant content and ads Increase dependence on the first-party data they collect. First-party data is high quality and accurate information about and around the end consumer. As a result, it increases the end user's trust with its ability to honor control via consent and transparency
ACCELERATE the journey with a pre-built solution and services with the Infosys Cobalt Publishing Cloud Powered By Topaz. This Intelligence platform has key features like:
• Accelerator framework with variety of services such as Data ingestion, ID harmonization, ML Model, Nudge framework etc.
• Knowledge Graph generation using 1P data.
• Pre-built dashboard with metrics populated for Publisher intelligence.
• Decision Cockpit for Digital Marketers
• Recommendation Engine for content, ad campaigns.